Cooking Index - Cooking Recipes & IdeasOven Temperature Conversion - Cooking Index

Oven Temperature Conversion

We spent a lot of time trying to work out the best conversions between different recipe temperatures and we found that almost every source has a different conversion level. These are the ones that seem to be most agreed upon by leading cookery sources.

That said, you have to remember that most ovens (especially domestic ones) do not cook at anything near the temperature on the oven. A freestanding oven thermometer is very handy (and inexpensive) to find out what temperature your oven really is cooking at.

Celcius Farenheit Gas Mark
110 230 1/4
120 250 1/2
130 265 1
140 285 1
150 300 2
160 320 3
170 340 4
180 355 4
190 375 5
200 390 6
210 410 6
220 430 7
230 445 8
240 460 9
250 480 9
260 500 10